Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Flying Lotus is a Visionary

Here's a megaupload link to the new Flying Lotus BBC Essential Mix!!! (yanked from a post on Mad Decent, admittedly) Check the Mad Decent article for a full tracklisting and an in-browser streaming option. It's about 2 hours long... and includes 69 tracks! In a 4 hour shift on Radioactivity I get through about 50 tracks on average, and FlyLo breezes through almost 70 in 2 hours... and with perfect mixing and killer blends. And the track selection is top notch... I'm willing to bet that at least half of the tracks in this list haven't been released yet. And, he adds some of that adultswimesque humor by using a synthesized voice with a british accent to introduce the mix, with a little Tim & Eric glitchy stuttering to round it out. Classic.

In addition to this stellar mix, only a few days earlier FlyLo released LA EP 2 x 3 (a remix EP of his album Los Angeles), which includes productions from the regular heavyweights: Samiyam, Martyn, Ras G... and introduces some new lesser-known killer producers too.

I just had to rant for a bit, because I seriously love Flying Lotus' music with a passion. Honestly, it makes me kind-of a fanboy... but I'd buy anything he releases before even listening to it, because there's no way I could dislike any music he makes. I've got a great feeling about FlyLo and his future... if he was a publicly owned company I would put my entire life savings in his stock. Haha. Seriously though, I wish him the best of luck and I only see his career skyrocketing from here. Can't wait to hear the next EP, and for some of those unreleased tracks!

1 comment:

Gamera said...

Downloading now. Thanks for the link and the heads up. :)